来源: admin    发布时间: 09-01


  日前,我执行主席赵文超先生到访希腊文化部。希腊文化部办公厅秘书长范基里斯泼利提斯(Vangelis Politis)会见赵主席。随后,希腊文化部部长莉迪亚(Lydia Koniordou)女士会见我执行主席赵文超先生,欧中发展研究中心驻雅典总干事迪米特里参加会见。会见内容详见会议纪要。


                             莉迪亚(Lydia Koniordou)部长向赵文超赠送书籍







•希腊文化体育部部长minister Lydia Koniordou of the Ministy of Culture and Sports (ΛΥΔΙΑ ΚΟΝΙΟΡΔΟΥΥπουργός Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού,ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ & ΑΘΛΗΤΙΣΜΟΥ)

•希腊文化部办公厅秘书长Director Cabinet Vangelis Politis of the Ministy  of Culture and Sports (ΒΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ-ΣΤΕΡΓΙΟΥ


•欧中发展研究中心执行主席、高级研究员,赵文超(Wenchao Zhao Executive Chairman/Senior Researcher of ECCRD)

•欧中发展研究中心驻雅典总干事、副研究员,迪米达理士/Dimitris Diakodimitriou Director General/Senior Researcher of Athens,ECCRD


赵主席谈到,他此次访问的目的是为了在一带一路(the Belt and Road Initiative)框架下加强推动中希两国公共外交、文化交流,同时,进一步推动中国开封市和希腊萨洛尼卡市的友好合作关系。



Directeur du Cabinet du Vangelis Politis 表示,希腊文化体育部愿意为项目提供大力帮助,加快推进文化小镇的进程。

赵文超说,合作建立在中希政治互信的基础上,在开封市建设中国-希腊文化小镇,会大力促进中希两国之间的公共外交、文化和经济往来。Vangelis Politis主任同意这样的观点。

Vangelis Politis秘书长和赵先生会见结束后,Minister Lydia Koniordou of the Ministy of Culture and Sports 会见了赵文超,Lydia部长高度支持中希文化小镇项目的建设,并表达愿意在适当时间访问河南省和开封市。








The memo

Title: meeting with Mr. Zhao Wenchao, Executive Chairman and Senior Researcher of the ECCRD

Meeting time: 18:00 on July 18, 2018

Meeting place: Greek ministry of culture and sports

Interview type: interview work

Meeting participants:

Sports minister, Greek Culture minister Lydia Koniordou of the Ministy of Culture and Sports (Λ Υ Δ Ι Α Κ Ο Ν Ι Ο Ρ Δ Ο Υ Υ PI &western nu rho gamma ό ς Π &western lambda ι tau ι sigma mu &western ύ kappa alpha ι predominate Α theta lambda eta tau ι sigma mu &western ύ, Ε Λ Λ Η Ν Ι Κ Η Δ Η Μ Ο Κ Ρ Α Τ Ι Α Υ Π Ο Υ Ρ Γ Ε Ι Ο Π Ο Λ Ι Τ Ι Σ Μ Ο Υ & Α Θ Λ Η Τ Ι Σ Μ Ο Υ)

• Directeur du Cabinet du Vangelis Politis of the Ministy of Culture and Sports (Β Α Γ Γ Ε Λ Η Σ Π Ο Λ Ι Τ Η Σ - Σ Τ Ε Ρ Γ Ι Ο ΥΔ ι epsilon nu theta nu argument tau ή ς Γ rho alpha phi epsilon ί &western nu Υ PI &western nu rho gamma &western ύ, Ε Λ Λ Η Ν Ι Κ Η Δ Η Μ Ο Κ Ρ Α Τ Ι Α Υ Π Ο Υ Ρ Γ Ε Ι Ο Π Ο Λ Ι Τ Ι Σ Μ Ο Υ & Α Θ Λ Η Τ Ι Σ Μ Ο Υ)

• Wenchao Zhao Executive Chairman/Senior Researcher of eu-china development research center

• Dimitris /Dimitris Diakodimitriou Director General/Researcher of Athens,ECCRD.

• The two sides discussed issues of common interest.

Mr. Zhao said that the purpose of his visit is to strengthen the public diplomacy and cultural exchanges between China and Greece under the framework of the Belt and Road (the Belt and Road Initiative), and to further promote the friendly cooperation between China's Kaifeng city and the Greek city of Thessalonica.

The two sides held in-depth discussions on the China-Greece Cultural Town project, which they believe is an important carrier of public diplomacy and cultural exchanges between the two countries. The two sides agreed that the strategic positioning of the project is a cultural complex that "demonstrates the development process of Chinese and western civilization with the Yellow River civilization and the Aegean civilization as the main line". Its role is to highlight "mutual learning between civilizations" and the "Belt and Road". This is the first in the world with "the development of Chinese and western civilization as its connotation". It is not only the two most important ancient civilizations in the world, but also a major event in the development history of eastern and western civilizations. Projects around the world fill many gaps.

The two sides believe that the implementation of the China-Greece Cultural Town project in Kaifeng city, Henan province is of great significance. As the signing of the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum, especially after the meeting of the leaders of the two countries, the two sides will further strengthen cooperation and build the project well. Directeur du Cabinet du Vangelis Politis said that the Greek ministry of culture and sports is willing to provide great help to the project construction and accelerate the construction of cultural towns.

Zhao believed that the cooperation is based on the political mutual trust between China and Greece and the construction of a China-Greece Cultural Town in Kaifeng will greatly promote the public diplomacy, cultural and economic exchanges between the two countries. Secretary general Vangelis Politis agrees.

After the meeting between secretary general Vangelis Politis and Mr. Zhao, Minister Lydia Koniordou of the Ministy of Culture and Sports met with Zhao. The Minister Lydia highly supported the construction of the cultural town project between China and Greece and expressed his willingness to visit Henan and Kaifeng in an appropriate and practical manner.

The two sides also reached consensus on establishing a contact mechanism and a project contact group.


Background materials:

On May 13, 2017, President Xi jinping met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis tsipras, who is here to attend the first “The Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum”. As important representatives of eastern and western civilizations, China and Greece should give full play to their profound cultural advantages, constantly unleash their potential for cultural cooperation, and make full use of the new platform of BBS, an ancient civilization, to promote exchanges and dialogue between different civilizations, Xi said.

Tsipras said that the Greek people hold friendly feelings towards the Chinese people. Under the new circumstances, Greece is ready to continue to push forward this relationship and actively participate in cooperation under the framework of One Belt And One Road. During the forum, Alexis Tsipras stressed in two public speeches that he hopes to build a Greek cultural town in China and a Chinese cultural town in Greece, "further promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

Less than an hour after the talks between the leaders of the two countries, the cultural town project between China and Greece was signed.

On December 13, 2017, secretary Houhong of Kaifeng Municipal Party Committee and mayor Gao Jianjun of Kaifeng Municipal People's Government approved the construction of China-Greece Cultural Town in Kaifeng city.


