Reviving the Greek Spirit
Editor:    Time: 08-18

By Minoskis,ECCRD.July 12,2019 

This is a nation that loves reason, thinking, and cherishes national honor, advocates democracy and freedom, place oneself in suffering and sunshine, the more difficulties they meet, the more activated they are to pursue truth and explore the future



If ancient Greece belongs to ancient times, its spirit is modern; it belongs not only to the west, but also to the world. Ever since the glorious Minoans culture of Crete in 2850 BC, Greece's profound influence on the later generations of mankind has never ceased. As the cradle of European civilization and even the whole western civilization, Greek civilization has made indelible contributions to the development of human society.

Eight years ago, the once-glorious country was dragged into a debt crisis and its development got a hard hit.

Only In 2018, I visited Greece three and three months'stay in Greece. The Greek civilization has left a deep impression on me. When I am in Greece, I admire the great civilization. Meanwhile, the development status also prompts me to think deeply:  Perhaps, is in desperate need of a big social change.

You might ask, why are you thinking about this question? Because my love  for Greece is as much as for my country; in the great, passionate and beautiful land of Greece, it never lacks vigorous thoughts and firm belief, all it needs is refreshing rain, its land will be filled with infinite vitality.

To this end, for the purpose of promoting social reform, I have put forward such ideas as "reviving the spirit of Greece". Allow me to report to you and I look forward to H.E prime minister's criticism and guidanc:

I. Public support for deepening reform

The spirit and cultural beliefs are the soul of a nation. Under the current social background, the ideological foundation of thirst for change of the vast majority of people has formed. At this point, so long as an enlightened political leader tries to summon his people, a massive social reform will follow.

If "Reviving the Greek Spirit" is fortunate to be one of your political views, it will certainly arouse high recognition of vast majority of the people in the cultural spirit and belief. As an important basis for comprehensively promoting deep reform of the country, "Reviving the Greek Spirit" not only contains the belief and pursuit of the whole country, but also contains the care of the heart. When faith and care becomes the spiritual core of human’s progress, the whole reform is guaranteed to succeed.

Of course, a huge reform must be supported by a complete ideological system.

First, the way and goal of reform should be so established: to promote social reform in a moderate way;

Secondly, to find the right breakthrough: to win broad social recognition in spiritual culture;

Thirdly, to proceed in an orderly manner – to promote systemic reform on the basis of the success of local reforms.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the reform, the following five factors are to be further studied and analyzed:

A. Although careful planning before the reform is important, the reform is still full of uncertainty. No matter how well planned, "unpredictability" and "uncertainty" will accompany reform. Therefore, at the beginning of the reform, wise politicians need to establish a grand goal, formulate a clear guideline of action, and use a simple and inspiring "slogan" as the carrier. It not only wins the rapid standing of the majority of people, but also the cornerstone to ensure the smooth conduct of reform and social activities.

B. Large-scale social reform is hard to accomplish at one stroke, it often experiences the six stages of "germination of ideas -- evoking resonance -- suffering setbacks -- rethinking of actions -- being more firm in the midst of them -- reaping the fruits of reform." In the process, without a clear spiritual calling and a firm belief as a guide, reform often falls into the trap of inaction or even failure.

C. However " Reviving the Greek Spirit " fits the long-suppressed spiritual aspirations of the all Greeks. This theme not only has a strong appeal, but also has a strong vitality.

As a belief, "Reviving the Greek Spirit" will make the aims of followers more noble and stable. It is like a strong bond that closely unites the following demands and the political views of the leaders of the movement. Its sacredness and charisma will not only motivate people to consciously stand together with the leaders of the movement in their thoughts and actions, but also make followers indomitable regardless of any setbacks and difficulties, until success.

"Reviving the Greek Spirit" not only has the rationality of science, but also a strong appeal. It will not only stimulate the internal vitality of the whole society and arouse people's confidence in the national rejuvenation, but as a spiritual belief and cultural trend, it will be first introduced before the systematic reform and will make full mental preparation for the large-scale reform in the future.

II. The new ideological movement will certainly bring Greece prosperity long into the future

Cultural trends and industrial revolution always go accompanied by each other. From the 14th century to the 18th century, it was the revival and thirst for ancient Greek culture that gave birth to the Renaissance and the enlightenment.

The Renaissance brought a new ideological and cultural movement to Europe and meanwhile promoted the further rise of the enlightenment. Then the enlightenment promoted the great development of political civilization and industrial revolution. Since then, the history of human civilization has undergone a transitional change -- with the deep development of the Renaissance and the enlightenment, Europe has risen in the full range of natural science, humanities and political civilization.

Similarly, as a new ideological movement, "Reviving the Greek Spirit" will certainly bring Greece a long period of comprehensive prosperity and will have a profound impact on the whole history of Greece.

After eight years of economic crisis, people in their hearts are eager for an enlightened statesman and thinker to lead the country to make major reforms in military and politics, education, justice, economy and other aspects. However, improving the national development system and establishing a new economic order for the country is a momentous century project. To accomplish this great mission, one has to be very careful, at the same time, it may be necessary to draw on history and the successful experience of some countries in reform and make improvements.

The above is my macro thinking on promoting system reform.

III. To build new special economic zones to build up an open economic system

To strengthen the construction of an open economic system is of great strategic significance for promoting the rapid development of the national economy. At the micro level, on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the new world development pattern and analysis of Greek national conditions, I conducted a study on Greece participation in the international division of labor. In my opinion, the existing free trade area has not really played its role and a new special economic zone should be planned on the basis of the existing free trade area. Giving special economic zone the mission of "act and test first, then use it to lead development" will provide more replicable and extended experience for continuous reform.

A First, the construction of the special economic zone is clearly positioned

I suggest that the special economic zone is zoned along the line of highway E91-54-83 that the area connected , and which extends from Piraeus to Marathon, about 60 kilometers south all the way to the coast. The purpose is that firstly, the special economic zone should not be too small; secondly, complementary business forms should be given full consideration to; thirdly, enough space for future development should be reserved.

I advice that the special economic zone consists of two parts:

1. An international cultural industrial park that can be established in the Marathon area, so that "soft power construction" can be carried out. The functional orientation of this zone is to focus on the cultivation of tertiary industry cluster, and give special preferential policy support to industries such as culture, tourism, sports, education, software and real estate development.

2. An expansion of the "free trade zone" can be established in the Piraeus port area, and the function of this area is positioned as "hard power construction": We will focus on developing entrepot trade and international finance, and also on increasing the foreign investment and improving the technology and management to further promote the development of the shipping industry.

The soft one and the hard one work in concert with each other, and complement each other. With the passage of time, the positive interaction between economy and culture will give continuous power to the sustainable development of the special economic zone. Furthermore, the demonstration effect of the special economic zone will provide a model for the large-scale reform and development of the country.

B. Secondly, the construction of the special economic zone needs scientific planning and gradual development:

◆The first stage: Firstly to establish the regional shipping center status of Piraeus port. Striving to leap and replace the traditional routes of Asia, Africa and Europe within 3-5 years, its construction direction of this period is to concentrate on entrepot trade and international finance. This theory is firstly based on a clear understanding of the status of Piraeus port, and is secondly on the rapid construction of the Hungary -Serbia railway.

◆The second stage: to fully establish the world-class hub status of containers. It will take 5-8 years to move from entrepot ports to diversified world-class free trade ports.

This strategy is highly compatible with China's initiative of “The Belt and Road” and will easily win further support and cooperation from China. Beyond the governmental channels of the two countries, ECCRD is willing to play a role of bridges and links to promote the construction and cooperation of wider private capital into the special economic zone.

C. The special economic zone also has the following functions:

1. The demonstration effect will lead to greater reform. The special economic zone is bound to form a business structure of "good talents structure, high labor intensity and high wage level".

For a long time in the past, indulgence in the past and satisfaction with the status quo, coupled with low labor intensity and high social welfare, as well as corruption and low social efficiency were some of the main reasons for the country's economic stagnation or even regression. We need to arouse people's awareness through the demonstration effect of the special economic zone: "only knowledge, hard work and an efficient government can drive people to create more wealth".

However, given the long-term national conditions, the reform can only be carried out locally, and the reform will be pushed forward after the demonstration effect is formed in the special economic zone, so as to reduce the obstacles and obstructions of the reform to the greatest extent.

2. Special economic zone helps attract and retain talents. For years, average wages in Greece were far lower than that in Britain, the United States and other developed European countries, leading to a massive loss of private capital and talents, and the special economic zone will attract talents and capital.

3. To promote the reform of education structure. Education has medium- and long-term support for the future of the country. Only by promoting the reform of education structure, can we change the status quo of "developed humanities and less developed natural science". It is suggested that international elite schools should be encouraged to establish branch schools in Greece, and that Greek elite schools should be encouraged to open international schools in Asia (to establish schools in cooperation with host countries, the first step is mainly in Asia). As a medium  and long-term plan to once again enhance Greece's cultural influence and promote national economic development, the school in the fields of maritime science, military science, electronic science and light industry should be increased in particular.

4. It is suggested to reform the golden visa policy.

The golden visa cannot only be opened to the trivial €250,000. It is not only about national "face", but also about responsibility for ensuring good social structure. Golden visas should be available only to foreigners with a bachelor's degree with proprietary technology and special contributions to Greece.

5. High taxes, subject to the Eurozone's exchange rate, an inefficient public sector and a rigid economic system that four tigers in the road economic development.

If the exchange rate issue cannot be shaken, the other three "tigers" can be reformed to meet new expectations.

Such as,Greece has the highest level of indirect taxation in the Eurozone

and it is likely that —including the value-added tax (VAT) and excise duties—amount to 17.3 percent of Greece’s GDP, placing the greece in the top position in the eurozone, ahead of France and Cyprus.As a result of the domestic capital outflow, foreign capital is not willing to enter.


Both the Greek people and me hold a firm belief that Honorific Excellency´s political views are of great significance to the revitalization of the country. As you said: You are an ardent defender of a small and efficient state, pushing the education reform, the fight against red-tape and monopolistic practices that impede development and the fight against partisanship and cronyism in government. While feeling the beauty of Greece, in fact, I have witnessed and even experienced the bureaucracy of some officials who are lazy about political actions. Many officials take a passive attitude towards one's work. Their conservatism and inaction greatly influenced the development of the country.

IV. To increase cultural diplomacy to promote economic and trade cooperation


The progress history of human society is a history of mutual respect. As the two most important ancient civilizations in the world, Greece and China need to show the world that Greece and China have made outstanding contributions to the development of human civilization.

Although Greece and China have different cultures, their destinies are related to each other. In the long course of civilization, the two great countries Greece and China both suffered from wars and foreign invasions, but the countless suffering and pain created strong and unyielding national spirit of both countries .

   As the most important representatives of both the agricultural civilization and the Marine civilization, China and Greece, due to their different geographical environments and climatic conditions, have created different ways of thinking for human society to adapt to and transform nature in early activities, and thus have created different national culture, national temperament and national spirit. However, different civilizations have existed side by side for thousands of years. History has proved that human society is constantly making progress in seeking common ground while reserving differences.

In the human history, the eastern and western civilizations had been isolated for a long time. During Alexander the Great´s eastern expedition and the Hellenistic age, and Greek culture had been introduced into China. What’s in support of this view is that ancient Greek art decorations, Greek mythical figures, and Greek statue techniques and painting methods appeared in the frescoes of China’s Dunhuang world cultural heritage.

In 202 BC, along the ancient silk road, the economical and cultural exchanges between the east and the west took place on a large scale with the visit of the envoy of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian. Today, the Belt and Road initiative brings together the two great nations once again.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 46 years ago, China and Greece have been deepening their friendship, maintaining solid political mutual trust and expanding economic cooperation and cultural exchanges. Adversity reveals truth. Greece has helped China evacuate its citizens four times, with a lot of help during the most difficult period of the the Varangian’s trip back to China. Similarly, since the Greek economic crisis, China has increased economic cooperation with Greece.

Greece and China, as the most important ancient civilizations in the world, need to show the world that they have made outstanding contributions to human civilization. As an ordinary Chinese citizen and an international friend, I am striving to bring Greek civilization to China through tangible carriers—in May 2017,the memorandum of the Greece-China Cultural Town project was signed by deputy minister Pitsiorlas and the Chinese side on the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) by Mrs. Amalia Matiadu and me jointly promoted Greece-China Cultural Park project will be built in Henan, the largest province in China (with a population of 130 million and a population of 600 million in the surrounding five provinces), which is in the center of China as the important birthplace of the Yellow River civilization. With a total investment of 1.2 billion Euros, I have signed a framework agreement with R&F, a famous consortium in Hong Kong. The project is positioned as "a systematic demonstration of the development of eastern and western civilizations with the Greek and Chinese civilizations as the main line".

When the conditions are available, we can also establish a cultural park of "the course of human civilization" in the Marathon International Cultural Industrial Park, for example, the government is responsible for providing policy support and I am responsible for helping to raise funds. I believe that cultural diplomacy will further promote economic exchanges.

In today's new world pattern, a country's rapid development is based on the wise decision-making of politicians on the one hand, and on the scientific and technological development and drive of investment on the other hand. If Your Excellency agree or partially agree with me, I’m looking forward to further presenting my views to you.


Epilogue, Dr. Alexander Westra, and Mr. Dimitris, has contributed to this article. They loves Greece and admires the wisdom and charm of H.E the Prime Minister. We and more Greek elites believe that the future of Greece begins with the formation of a new government cabinet.


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