The Seminar On Greek Traditional And Chinese Medicine Was Held in Athens.
Editor:    Time: 09-01

On October 23, 2009,by the invitation of ECCRD, Chen Haosu, President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) visited Greece, and attended a seminar on Greek traditional Chinese medicine in Athens.

 The seminar was Co-organized by ECCRD and CPAFFC, Greek President Karolos Papoulias(Κάρολος Παπούλιας) attended the seminar and delivered a speech.



CPAFFC chairman Chen haosu (front L) presents a gift to Greek President papoulias (front R).

More than 100 people, including medical representatives from Greece and China and international friends of the two countries, were invited to attend the seminar. China's xinhua news agency, state television in Athens and other media released the news.

Chen haosu (L) conferred the honorary title of "Chinese People's Friendship Ambassador" to three Greek friends, the right is Luo Linquan, Chinese ambassador to Greece, the second from right is Nihuiming.

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