China-Greece Cultural Town Project was signed
Editor:    Time: 08-18

On May 13, 2017, on the Dialogue Meeting of Sino-Greek Local Governments was held during the Belt and Road International Cooperation,  the meeting which was co-organized by Amphictyony of Ancient Greek Cities(AAGC) with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) in Beijing,

On the Dialogue Meeting, Zhao Wenchao, executive chairman of ECCRD have promoted the signature  of the  Memorandum for the China-Greece Cultural Town project. Alternate minister Pitsiorlas signed the agreement with the Chinese side, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras with the Head of CPAFFC Li Xiaolin witnessed the signing.


Less than an hour before the signing, President Xi Jinping met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who came to China for Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that as important representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and Greece should take full advantage of the deep culture, which constantly releases potential for humanity cooperation, makes full use of the new platform to promote the communication and dialogue between different civilizations.

Tsipras said “ Greece cherishes its traditional friendship with China ,and Greek people have friendly feelings towards Chinese people. Under the new circumstance, Greece will continue to promote this relationship and will actively participate in the Belt and Road cooperation.

During the Forum, Tsipras said in his second public speech that he hopes to build a Greek cultural town in China and a Chinese cultural town in Greece, further boosting the bilateral cultural exchanges and cooperation.

The signing of the China-Greece Cultural Town is a timely response to the speeches of the leaders of both countries.


Alternate minister Pitsiorlas signed the agreement with the Chinese side.

In the future, we hope building a similar cultural town in Greece, and we believe that this day will not be too far away.

As the real carrier of “promoting the exchange and dialogue among different civilizations, it is very important to build the China-Greece Cultural Town .and  will play significant roles in building Greek international tourist attractions and boosting international publicity and fame.and will  further stimulate the recovery of economy of Greece  .

On April, 2016,in Athens, Alternate Minister Pitsiorlas also signed the agreement with COSCO for Piraeus shares. This project has created a model for ” Belt and Roadcooperation.

The great contributions of Alternate Minister Pitsiorlas will always be remembered in the history of China and Greece.



After the signing of the China-Greece Cultural Town, Kaifeng and Thessaloniki signed a letter of intent for sister cityies.

Marathon Mayor Mr Llias Psinakis represented  Thessaloniki  signing with Kaifeng Mayor. Oct,2018, in Marathon, Mayor Psinakis met with Hou hong, party secretary of kaifeng, China, and signed a letter of intent for sister cityies.

In the same way, the great contributions of Mayor Psinakis will always be remembered in the history of China and Greece. 

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