What is the strategic positioning?
Editor:    Time: 08-18

The strategic positioning of the China-Greece Cultural Town is the  "taking the Yellow River civilization and the Aegean civilization as the main line, systematically displaying the development process of Chinese and western civilizations", it is plays the role of highlighting "exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations" and boosting international  cooperation under " Belt and Road Initiative".

The  projects will be an important platform for exchanges and talks among different culture, showing the democratic, open, civilized and progressive national image of China and Greece, and It will be crucial for strengthening the Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries.

This is great new era!

The projects will be an important platform for exchanges and talks among different culture, showing the democratic, open, civilized and progressive national image of China and Greece, and It will be crucial for strengthening the Belt and Road cooperation between the two countries.

Greece and China made indelible achievements for the development of human civilization. Today, We will take China-Greece Cultural Town as a cultural carrier to focuses on showing these achievements systematic.

It is great spiritual and material treasure to the present and later generations left by decision makers, politicians and ideologists.

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